
DALL·E 3 News

DALL·E 3, now in research preview, understands significantly more nuance and detail than its predecessors, making it easier for users to transform their ideas into highly precise images. This advanced system will become available to ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise customers in October via the API and in Labs later this fall. Unlike previous text-to-image systems […]

T2I-Adapters – Efficient Controllable Image Generation using Text-to-Image with Stable Diffusion XL

T2I-Adapter is an efficient plug-and-play module that provides additional guidance to pre-trained text-to-image models while keeping the original large text-to-image models frozen. T2I-Adapter aligns the internal knowledge in text-to-image models with external control signals. Various adapters can be trained according to different conditions to achieve rich control and editing effects. As a related contemporaneous work, […]

Code Llama – Advanced AI System for Coding

Key Takeaways Recommended Reading Today, an advanced AI system called Code Llama is being released. Code Llama is a large language model capable of using text prompts to generate computer code. It represents the current state-of-the-art for publicly available models on coding tasks and has the potential to increase productivity and lower the barrier to […]

Research Advancements in Llama 2 and Llama 2-Chat

A new family of large language models called Llama 2 has been developed, with sizes ranging from 7 billion to 70 billion parameters. The researchers meticulously fine-tuned these models using a combination of supervised learning and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) to make them helpful, harmless, and honest. The goal was to create an […]

Stability AI Launches New Sketch-to-Image Tool Stable Doodle

AI company Stability AI launched a new sketch-to-image tool called Stable Doodle. This tool allows users to turn simple drawings into dynamic images, providing endless creative possibilities for professionals and hobbyists alike. Stable Doodle makes bringing a drawing to life simpler than ever before. This latest offering from Stability AI’s Clipdrop has the potential to […]

Midjourney V5 video parameter

Midjourney has reintroduced –video parameter in version 5. You can use the –video parameter to create short 5-second clips of your initial generated grid. How –video parameter works? Use the –video parameter in your prompt. React to the finished job with the envelope ✉️ emoji to have the Midjourney Bot send a link. –video only works on image […]

Discover the latest features in Midjourney V5.2

Midjourney is a platform that allows you to create stunning images from text prompts. You can use it to generate landscapes, portraits, scenes, logos and more. The latest version of Midjourney, V5.2 comes with several new features and improvements: Enhanced Aesthetic System Sharper and more beautiful images. Better coherence and text comprehension More diversity (please […]

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