Stable Diffusion 3 – Unleashes New Realms of Text-to-Image Creation

Calling all artists, dreamers, and creative minds! Stability AI is unveiling a powerful new tool: Stable Diffusion 3, the latest iteration of its groundbreaking text-to-image model. This early preview promises significant advances in image quality, multi-subject handling, and even spelling prowess, making it an even more versatile tool for bringing your imagination to life. Beyond […]

AI Personas to Talk to in ChatGpt

Welcome to the world of AI Personas in ChatGpt, where you can interact with virtual personalities created using the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence. Imagine having a conversation with an AI persona that can understand your thoughts and respond to you in a natural and human-like way, providing personalized recommendations, advice, or a friendly chat. […]

Alpaca – New Model from Stanford

A new language model, Alpaca 7B, has been introduced by Stanford researchers. The model has been fine-tuned from the LLaMA 7B model based on 52,000 instruction-following demonstrations. The preliminary evaluation of the model shows that Alpaca performs similarly to OpenAI’s text-davinci-003 for single-turn instruction following. However, Alpaca is surprisingly small and inexpensive to reproduce, costing […]

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