Midjourney Parameter List: A Guide for Creative Image Generation

Midjourney Parameter List

If you are a fan of generating images using text prompts, you might have heard of Midjourney, a Discord bot that uses artificial intelligence to create stunning visuals based on your input. Midjourney is not only a fun and easy way to explore your imagination, but also a powerful tool for artists, designers, writers and anyone who wants to enhance their creativity.

But how can you make the most out of Midjourney? How can you customize your image generation process and get the results you want? The answer is: by using parameters.

Parameters are options that you can add to your prompt to change how an image generates. Parameters can affect various aspects of your image, such as:

  • Aspect ratio: The width and height of your image
  • Chaos: The amount of variation and randomness in your image
  • Quality: The level of detail and rendering time of your image
  • Seed: The starting point for the image generation process
  • Stop: The percentage of completion for the image generation process
  • Style: The version of the Midjourney model that is used to generate your image
  • Stylize: The strength of the Midjourney aesthetic style that is applied to your image
  • Upscaler: The algorithm that is used to enlarge and enhance your image

Parameters are always added to the end of a prompt. You can add multiple parameters to each prompt. For example:

/imagine a cozy cabin in the woods –aspect 16:9 –chaos 50 –quality 2

This prompt will generate an image of a cozy cabin in the woods with an aspect ratio of 16:9 (widescreen), a high level of variation (chaos) and detail (quality).

In this blog post, we will explain how each parameter works and how you can use them to create amazing images with Midjourney. Let’s get started!

Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio parameter (–aspect or –ar) allows you to set the dimensions of your image. You can either enter it by using an actual aspect ratio such as 3:2, or you can enter actual pixels such as 1920×1280. Both variations lead to the same result initially.

For example:

/imagine a sunset over the ocean –aspect 3:2

This prompt will generate an image with an aspect ratio of 3:2 (horizontal).

/imagine a sunset over the ocean –aspect 1920×1280

This prompt will also generate an image with an aspect ratio of 3:2 (horizontal).

However, if you want to upscale your image using one of the U buttons on Discord, entering actual pixels will give you more control over the final resolution. For example:

/imagine a sunset over the ocean –aspect 1920×1280 U1

This prompt will upscale your image by x1 using U1 button and give you an output resolution of 1920×1280 pixels.

/imagine a sunset over the ocean –aspect 1920×1280 U2

This prompt will upscale your image by x2 using U2 button and give you an output resolution of 3840×2560 pixels.

The default aspect ratio for Midjourney is 1:1 (square). You can use any aspect ratio between 1:2 and 2:1. However, aspect ratios greater than 2:1 are experimental and may produce unpredictable results.


The chaos parameter (–chaos) allows you to change how varied and random your images will be. Higher values produce more unusual and unexpected generations, while lower values produce more consistent and predictable generations.

For example:

/imagine a dragon flying over a castle –chaos 10

This prompt will generate an image with low chaos (10), which means it will likely look similar to other images generated with this prompt.

/imagine a dragon flying over a castle –chaos 90

This prompt will generate an image with high chaos (90), which means it will likely look different from other images generated with this prompt.

The default value for chaos is 0. You can use any value between 0 and 100.


The quality parameter (–quality or –q) allows you to change how much rendering time and detail you want for your images. Higher values produce more detailed and refined images, but also cost more credits and take longer time. Lower values produce less detailed and faster images, but also cost less credits.

For example:

/imagine a dragon flying over a castle –quality 0.5

This prompt will generate an image with low quality (0.5), which means it will cost less credits and take less time, but also look less detailed and refined.

/imagine a dragon flying over a castle –quality 1

This prompt will generate an image with high quality (1), which means it will cost more credits and take more time, but also look more detailed and refined.

The default value for quality is 1. You can use any value between 0.25 and 1.


The seed parameter (–seed) allows you to specify the starting point for the image generation process. The Midjourney bot uses a seed number to create a field of visual noise, like television static, as a starting point to generate the initial image grids. Seed numbers are generated randomly for each image, but you can specify them with the –seed parameter. Using the same seed number and prompt will produce similar ending images.

For example:

/imagine a unicorn in a forest –seed 1234

This prompt will generate an image with a specific seed number (1234), which means it will likely look similar to other images generated with this prompt and this seed number.

/imagine a unicorn in a forest –seed 5678

This prompt will generate an image with a different seed number (5678), which means it will likely look different from other images generated with this prompt and this seed number.

You can use any whole number between 0 and 4294967295 as a seed number.


The stop parameter (–stop) allows you to finish a job partway through the process. Stopping a job at an earlier percentage can create blurrier, less detailed results, but also cost less credits and take less time. Stopping a job at a later percentage can create sharper, more detailed results, but also cost more credits and take more time.

For example:

/imagine an alien planet –stop 50

This prompt will stop the job at 50% completion, which means it will cost less credits and take less time, but also produce
a blurrier and less detailed image.

/imagine an alien planet –stop 90

This prompt will stop the job at 90% completion, which means it will cost more credits and take more time, but also produce
a sharper and more detailed image.

The default value for stop is 100%. You can use any value between 10% and 100%.


The style parameter (–style) allows you to switch between versions of the Midjourney model that is used to generate your images. Different models excel at different types of images. For example:

/imagine an anime character –style niji

This prompt will use the niji model version, which is focused on anime style images.

/imagine an abstract painting –style hd

This prompt will use the hd model version, which produces larger, less consistent images.
This model may be suitable for abstract and landscape images.

/imagine a realistic portrait –style testp

This prompt will use the testp model version,
which produces more realistic and coherent images.
This model may be suitable for portraits and animals.


The stylize parameter (–stylize or –s) allows you to influence how strongly Midjourney’s default aesthetic style is applied to your images. Higher values produce more stylized and artistic images, while lower values produce more realistic and natural images.

For example:

/imagine a medieval knight –stylize 50

This prompt will generate an image with a low stylize value (50), which means it will look more realistic and natural.

/imagine a medieval knight –stylize 500

This prompt will generate an image with a high stylize value (500), which means it will look more stylized and artistic.

The default value for stylize is 100. You can use any value between 0 and 1000.


The upscaler parameter (–uplight or –upbeta) allows you to use an alternative algorithm to enlarge and enhance your images when you select one of the U buttons on Discord. The default upscaler adds more details and sharpness to your images, but sometimes it can also introduce artifacts and noise. The alternative upscalers produce results that are closer to the original grid image, but with less detail and smoothness.

For example:

/imagine a flower garden U1

This prompt will upscale your image by x1 using the default upscaler, which means it will add more details and sharpness to your image.

/imagine a flower garden –uplight U1

This prompt will upscale your image by x1 using the uplight upscaler, which means it will produce a result that is closer to the original grid image, but with less detail and smoothness.

/imagine a flower garden –upbeta U1

This prompt will upscale your image by x1 using the upbeta upscaler, which means it will produce a result that is closer to the original grid image, but with significantly fewer added details.

You can use either –uplight or –upbeta as an upscaler parameter. You can also combine them with other parameters in your prompt.

ParameterAffects initial generationAffects variations + remixVersion 5Version 4Version 3Test / TestpNijiExplanation
Max Aspect Ratioany1:2 or 2:15:2 or 2:53:2 or 2:31:2 or 2:1Refers to the maximum aspect ratio of the image that can be generated.
ChaosRefers to the level of chaos in the generated image.
Image WeightRefers to the weight or prominence of the image.
NoRefers to the absence of a feature or parameter.
QualityRefers to the quality of the generated image.
SeedRefers to the seed value used to generate the image.
SameseedRefers to whether the same seed value is used for generating different images.
StopRefers to whether the generation of the image can be stopped or paused.
Style4a and 4bRefers to the style of the generated image.
Stylize0-1000 (default=100)0-1000 (default=100)625-60000 (default=2500)1250-5000 (default=2500)Refers to the level of stylization of the image.
TileRefers to whether the generated image can be tiled or repeated.
VideoRefers to whether the generated image can be used for creating videos.
Number of Grid Images4442 (1 when aspect ratio≠1:1)Refers to the number of grid images that can be generated.
Midjourney Table Parameters List


In this blog post, we have explained how you can use parameters to customize your image generation process with Midjourney. Parameters are options that you can add to your prompt to change various aspects of your image, such as aspect ratio, chaos, quality, seed, stop, style, stylize and upscaler.
Parameters are always added to the end of a prompt. You can add multiple parameters to each prompt.

Parameters can help you create amazing images with Midjourney that suit your preferences and needs. We hope you found this guide helpful and informative. Now go ahead and try out some parameters with Midjourney!

You can also use Negative Keywords to improve your Midjourney prompts.

Midjourney Parameter List: A Guide for Creative Image Generation
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